2024 Section Conclave Planning Meeting
Dear Kon Wapos Lodge Members,
My name is Mydasia Zipperer and I am the Host Lodge Chair for the upcoming 2024 Section G10 Conclave!
For those of you who don’t know, Section Conclave is an event held every year by the Section that our Lodge is in. Our Conclave is held with 4 other lodges and the host lodge responsibility is rotated between the different lodges; this year is our turn!
As Host Lodge, we carry the responsibilities of the event and make sure that it runs as smoothly as possible. Our main duty is to provide the staff for the event, and most of the things that the staff will be doing are fun! This year, we will need people for ranges, a climbing and COPE program, check-in, leading events during our Saturday night celebration (The River Jig), and plenty of other events!
If you are interested in staffing the event and representing Kon Wapos Lodge through cheerful service, then please feel free to attend our informational online meeting on Tuesday, August 20th at 7 pm.
Section Conclave Host Lodge Planning Meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 20, 7:00pm Central
Zoom meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/75178930397?pwd=PdkApsUJO0d7ga21fnFhR3ss5iDtOc.1
We will be able to answer any questions regarding staffing or Conclave in general and you will be able to meet our lodge members in charge of Host Lodge Leadership!
If this is your first Lodge event in a while or even your first Lodge event ever, we invite you to join us through brotherhood to get to know other members!
Yours in Scouting,
Mydasia Zipperer
Kon Wapos Lodge
Section Conclave Host Lodge Chair
AJ Reicher
Kon Wapos Lodge
Section Conclave Host Lodge Adviser