The Natowa – June 2024
OA news delivered to OA members. In this issue: Lodge Gathering preview, 100th Anniversary of Camp Rokilio, and Spring Conference recap
Once each year, a troop or team may hold a unit election to elect youth members of their troop or team to become members of the Order of the Arrow. Both youth and adult Scouts and Scouters can become members of the OA, but only youth members are elected.
Congratulations on becoming a new member of the Order of the Arrow! Below, you’ll find information and explanations to help you learn more about the OA. You will need your OA Handbook to enter the site, so be sure to have it handy.
Update your personal information to keep up-to-date with lodge and chapter meetings and events. Members can also print their membership card at home and view a full calendar of events.
Our lodge program and membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Dues are $15 per year. We ask each lodge member to renew their dues on an annual basis. This is done by either attending an event, renewing your dues through your unit’s recharter, or by paying dues separately. Whether you’re an active OA member renewing their dues again, you’ve been away for a while, or transferring from another lodge, we’re glad you’re here.
Your dues help the lodge and the Order of the Arrow in the following ways:
OA news delivered to OA members. In this issue: Lodge Gathering preview, 100th Anniversary of Camp Rokilio, and Spring Conference recap
OA news delivered to OA members. In this issue: Scouting for Food, the Rokilio Experience, and a new Callout Ceremony!
OA news delivered to OA members. In this issue: 2024 Lodge Officers, Unit Elections and Visitations, Council event opportunities, and more.
Learn more about Spring Conference, view the event schedule, and register online
OA news delivered to OA members. In this issue: Section Conclave 2024, LLD, and Awards and Honors
OA news delivered to OA members. In this issue: Section Conclave, Party on the Bay, and more