2023 Lodge Gathering
Much like Spring Fellowship and Section Conclave, Lodge Gathering is a training and fellowship weekend. The main focus is the election of the new Lodge leadership. The weekend will also include games, the awarding of the various OA awards, and the formal recognition of the Vigil class. There will also be a Lodge Executive Committee and Lodge Annual Business Meeting on Saturday.
Those registering to complete their Ordeal should bring clothes that can get dirty that are appropriate for the weather of the weekend as most of the day will be spent outdoors unless adverse conditions prevail. Please arrive by 7pm Friday evening. The Ordeal Ceremony will be Saturday before the Ordeal Banquet. There will be a new member orientation Sunday morning; lodge flaps, OA handbooks, and other important materials and information will be handed out then.
Leaving camp during the weekend is prohibited. If any youth member needs to leave camp for any reason, they must sign out and be picked up by a parent or guardian OR have a signed permission slip from their parents or guardian stating why they are leaving and who has permission to pick them up. Thank you for your help with this safety issue.
All Scouts under 18 years old must have a signed permission slip to attend this event.
Everyone must bring a valid BSA Medical Form Parts A and B. Please bring a copy as it will not be returned.
Suggested items to bring for the weekend include: Scout uniform, tent, sleeping bag, ground cloth, work clothes and gloves (items will get dirty), rain gear, underwear, socks, toiletries, towel, carving knife, money for trading post, insect repellent, flashlight, health history form and any needed medications.
Financial assistance may be available. Learn more here.