2024 Ordeal Candidate Welcome Meeting – Option 1
Congratulations to the Scouts and Venturers who have been elected to join the Order of the Arrow. Ordeal candidates and their parents are invited to join us at one of the Welcome Meetings in May to learn more about the Ordeal and the induction process. Watch for a Zoom invite that is being sent to all candidates and their parents. Adults selected by the lodge adult nomination committee will be invited to join us at a Welcome Meeting and to complete their Ordeal at one of the Spring Conferences in June. You can choose to attend a Welcome Meeting on May 13 or 16 at 7pm Central.
May 13, 7pm Central: OA Welcome Meeting May 13
May 16, 7pm Central: OA Welcome Meeting May 16
Ordeal candidates and parents can contact the lodge adviser with questions.
Mike Mailand, Lodge Adviser