Register for Spring Conference

Register for Spring Conference

We need members to attend and support the upcoming Spring Conferences. We have Ordeal candidates who want to be inducted into the Order of the Arrow. Let’s show up to welcome them into the Order of the Arrow. Some of them may be from your unit.

Youth members are needed for the Ordeal & Brotherhood ceremony teams. If you are interested in learning and being a part of the ceremonies, please let us know.

Elangomats are needed to guide the Ordeal candidates. Serving as an Elangomat is a great way to demonstrate your service to the OA.

Adults are needed to encourage youth from their units to attend and to transport them to the conferences. It’s a great way to fulfill your role as an adult in the OA.

Adults will be needed to help with service projects. You may have a special skill to share doing repairs and other improvements at camp or just help with general project work.

Adults are needed to serve as health officers and members of the food teams. Do you have a medical certification to serve as a health officer? Are you ServSafe Manager certified?

How many from your unit can you get to Spring Conference? Top attending units will be recognized.

Special Kon Wapos 10th Anniversary item for members attending.

We need you to REGISTER NOW to avoid cancelling conferences.

There are currently no events.